Bulletin Board
VIDEO, FILM, AUDIO, PHOTO, DIGITAL SERVICES: Transfers, Conversions of 8mm & 16mm movie film, video & audio tapes, slides, photos. Teamwork Media www.tmtv.net Toll free: 1-800-824-TMTV (8688) Nelson BC. Email anytime: videolab@tmtv.net
27 Pennywise
MIRROR LAKE WATER USERS COMMUNITY: Boil water advisory for all users. Inform renters and guests.
40 Pennywise
51 Pennywise
26 YEARS OF SERVICE AND CARE For your lumber needs, WANECO ENTERPRISES CUSTOM SAWMILLING. Call Wayne or Rochelle, 250-353-1170, Kaslo.
87 Pennywise
HELP FUND MY TUITION to become a unit clerk – your support makes a difference! https://gofund.me/0c330506
91 Pennywise
JB’s RESTAURANT AT WOODBURY RESORT Winter Hours: Thursdays thru Sundays, 3-8pm, Happy Hour 3-5pm. Family friendly dining and casual pub atmosphere! Take out, off-sales available. Dinner reservations 250-353-7716.
2 Pennywise
PENNYWISE AD PAYMENTS, cash or cheques, can be dropped off at And More Second Hand Store, 1398 McQuarrie St, Trail during regular store hours. Questions? Call 1-800-663-4619. Thank you, Pennywise.
9 Pennywise
BOIL WATER NOTICE for Fletcher Creek Improvement District water users. Please inform all renters & guests. FCID has a moratorium on all connections until further notice. Visit www.fletchercreekwater.com
10 Pennywise
ALWAYS BUYING GOLD & SILVER: Coins, Collections, Accumulations, Rare & Common Gold & Silver coins. All Bullion, Maples, Rounds, Bars etc. 3rd generation collector. Call/text Chad, 250-863-3082.
21 Pennywise
CHIROPRACTOR in KASLO: 409 Water St, (behind Figments), DR. McKENZIE, Tuesdays, 250-551-3225. For appointments, 250-352-1322.
22 Pennywise
CHIROPRACTOR, DR. McKENZIE, SALMO: Thursdays, Willow Healing Arts Centre. Call 250-551-3225. NELSON, M.W.F, Community First Health Co-op, 250-352-1322.
26 Pennywise
WANT MORE CROSSWORDS? Every Wednesday receive a brand new ClassiCanadian Crossword straight to your inbox. Subscribe at www.classicanadianxwords.ca. Makes a great gift!
31 Pennywise
AFFORDABLE, SECURE STORAGE CONTAINERS: 20´, 40´, 45´, 53´ for SALE/RENT. Custom modifications, windows, doors, electrical, insulation, offices, tiny homes, etc. 40´ bridges. Kootenay Containers, Castlegar. 250-365-3014.
47 Pennywise
AA MEETS TUESDAYS 4:30PM, back room of St. Mark’s Church, 601 5th St., Kaslo. We welcome other Anonymous groupies! See you then. 250-353-8784, 250-353-3428.
70 Pennywise
NEHRING CONTAINERS – RENT, BUY, CUSTOMIZE All Sizes of shipping containers available. BEST PRICES GUARANTEED! Fast Delivery! Proudly B.C. Owned and Operated 4705 14th Ave. Castlegar, BC 800.823.9314 www.nehringcontainers.com
88 Pennywise
SENIORS’ SOCIAL Coffee’s on!!! Slocan Park Community Hall. Tuesdays 10am – Noon. March 11, 18, 25, April 1.
92 Pennywise
IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN WHEN CFNKLS SUPPORTS THE COMMUNITIES OF NORTH KOOTENAY LAKE…GRANTING TIME. The window for grant applications is March 1st to April 16th. There is a link from our site, https://nklcommunityfund.org, to the Osprey Community Foundation website where the applications can be made. Charities and qualified donees can make applications. If your organization is a non-profit you can be sponsored by either of the former. Community Foundations hope to be able to offer grant opportunities in the future directly to non-profits.
97 Pennywise
ST. PATRICK’S DAY TEA by Balfour Community Guild. Saturday, March 15 10am-12pm, Admission $6, under 6 free. 250-229-4527.
102 Pennywise
ARE RODENTS INVADING YOUR SPACE? Selkirk Pest Control Inc. A Pest-Free Home for Peaceful Living. 250-608-4960 selkirkpestcontrol.ca
103 Pennywise
WANECO ENTERPRISES CUSTOM SAWMILLING: Sawing cedar & fir. We supply siding, decking, fencing, posts, timbers, garden material, live edge. Wayne & Rochelle. 250-353-1170 or 250-353-7126, wanecoent@gmail.com
106 Pennywise
LOKI LOTS COMMUNITY: Boil water advisory for all users. Please inform neighbours, renters and guests.
114 Pennywise
FABRIC SALE AND MORE. Open House Nelson Quilt Guild. Thursday, March 13 from 5-7pm. Notions, patterns and snacks. Kiwanis Hall 807-703 Radio Ave., Nelson.
Contact Us
Local: 250-353-2602
Toll free: 1-800-663-4619
Email: info@pennywiseads.com
#209 312 Fourth St,
Kemball Memorial Centre
Kaslo BC, Canada
V0G 1M0