103 Pennywise

FREE EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING for 2SLGBTQ+ Job Seekers! 20-week online program includes coaching, job search & personal supports. Starts January 13! Learn more: https://qworks.ethoscmg.com

10 Pennywise

BOIL WATER NOTICE for Fletcher Creek Improvement District water users. Please inform all renters & guests. FCID has a moratorium on all connections until further notice. Visit www.fletchercreekwater.com

112 Pennywise

SEASONS GREETINGS from Quality Inn Oakwood, Spokane! $20 off best available rate (not to be combined with other discounts), 1-888-535-4900.

11 Pennywise

ALWAYS BUYING GOLD & SILVER: Coins, Collections, Accumulations, Rare & Common Gold & Silver coins. All Bullion, Maples, Rounds, Bars etc. 3rd generation collector. Call/text Chad, 250-863-3082.

22 Pennywise

CHIROPRACTOR in KASLO: 409 Water St, (behind Figments), DR. McKENZIE, Tuesdays, 250-551-3225. For appointments, 250-352-1322.