107 Pennywise

SEWING MACHINE, GLIDER, Records, Wool & Knitting Needles, Blancher, Quilting Patterns, 2 George Foreman Grills, 2 Breadmakers, Christmas Sweaters. 250-359-2254

130 Pennywise

TROY BUILT GAS SNOWBLOWER, 24″ width, Electric Start, Handwarmer, Barely used, $1200. Norditrac Treadmill, w/calorie count, folds up, brand new, paid $800, asking $450 OBO. 250-365-7676

98 Pennywise

FIR/LARCH FIREWOOD: 1.25 cord, split and delivered. Serving Kaslo, Nelson, Castlegar, Winlaw and Rossland. Excellent service, book now! 778-456-0657.