36 Pennywise

MY PLUMBER: No job too small. Maintain, service, install, plumbing systems, blocked sewer lines. 250-521-0206, 250-687-9041 (cell), email columbiamyplumber@gmail.com Serving Castlegar area.

69 Pennywise

ELECTRICIAN FOR HIRE: Licensed #10923, experienced, semi-retired. Back-up power generator install, renos, small jobs, serge protection. Reasonable rates. Jim Rogan, 250-353-9638, 250-354-8910. Serving Nelson & Kootenay Lake areas.

37 Pennywise

*GLACIER VALLEY TREE CARE: Local danger tree professionals. Utility certified lift trucks. Whole tree chippers. Stump grinding. Pruning. Land clearing. Certified arborists, fallers, assessors. Free same day assessment and advice. Certified & insured WCB. Jim...

70 Pennywise

*AAATREEWORKSNELSON.COM BY WYLEE WORKS INC: Serving the West Kootenay since 2005. Professional Tree Care and Wildfire Protection. WCB Certified Fallers and ITA Arborists. WorkSafe & Commercially Insured. Large Residential Removals, Selective Harvesting and...