A little rain on Saturday, June 29th couldn’t keep the art lovers away from the 36th annual ArtWalk. The streets were hopping, and with maps in hand, folks headed out to see what the local arts community had to offer at over 30 venues. They were entertained by music, painting and dance performances throughout the night.
Art sales began as soon as the night started and continued all evening. Both professional and emerging artists participated in Art Walk; the event was also a chance for some emerging artists to have their work shown for the very first time. Art Walk also benefits the local business partners. Michelle Rudell, owner of Nelson Olive Oil, shared: “It was a busy night right from the start and we had so many folks in the store who said they had never been in before. As any business owner knows, getting new people in the door can be challenging. They were impressed by the art as well as the products that we sell. We had lots of first-time sales. I was very happy with my Art Walk experience as a business owner.”
The Nelson District Arts Council is so grateful for the support from local businesses and the community for another successful event. The second opening on Saturday, July 27th will have a brand new set of artists’ work on display. Our next Art Walk opening will showcase participating artists at their venues alongside a collection of street performances and other delights throughout Nelson’s downtown core from 6 – 9 pm.

Nelson and District Arts Council