6 Pennywise
BEAVER'S SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SERVICE: Serving the Kootenays. Goes the distance! 250-354-3508 (cell) or 250-357-9724.
7 Pennywise
SHARPENING SERVICE: Saws, tools, scissors, knives, clipper blades. C&D Sharpening Service, 250-365-3658.
8 Pennywise
MOBILE SAWMILLING SERVICE: Logs to lumber wherever you are. Call Willem, 250-777-7366.
9 Pennywise
CRESTVIEW PAINTING: 25yrs+ experience, reliable/quality work that lasts, new construction, residential, repaints, certified journeyman. Fully insured. 250-304-5197. Serving Trail, Castlegar & Nelson areas.
11 Pennywise
ALWAYS BUYING GOLD & SILVER: Coins, Collections, Accumulations, Rare & Common Gold & Silver coins. All Bullion, Maples, Rounds, Bars etc. 3rd generation collector. Call/text Chad, 250-863-3082.
12 Pennywise
REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY: Joli Guthrie RMT, MSP available. By appointment. 250-353-7605, Kaslo.
13 Pennywise
JUSTHINK PAINTING: Serving Kaslo & Area. Residential, commercial, interior & exteriors. Seniors discount. Free estimates. 25+ yrs experience. All work guaranteed. Call Stephan 250-353-7128, 250-353-3415.
14 Pennywise
NELSON MINI-STORAGE: 1.6kms from City Centre, heated, easy access, 18yrs of friendly, personalized service. 1393 Knox Rd, 250-354-8289, www.nelsonministorage.ca
15 Pennywise
PASS CREEK TOOL REPAIR: Air and electric tools, small compressors, quality repairs, fair price. 250-304-4811.
16 Pennywise
RBT ACCOUNTING SERVICES: Accepting New Clients. Bookkeeping, Personal and Corporate Taxes, GST, Payroll and Other Services. Call 250-354-7107 or email rbtcpa@outlook.com